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Oxbow Lakes

Sample from soundtrack 

"Theatre company Dirty Market have a reputation for aesthetic verve and rigour and they don’t disappoint with this deliriously warped fairy tale." **** Time Out


"Refreshingly original and funny." The Stage


"Do go along if you can – I absolutely guarantee hand on heart that you won’t regret it." The Londoneer


"That was some seriously fucked up shit. And if you know me at all, then you know that by “fucked up shit” I mean you should totally check this out. Fancy a bit of creeped-out absurdity with your surrealist theatre? Oxbow Lakes is for you." - Tikichris theatre Review


A magical, wildly imaginative journey into the deepest, darkest fears of parents, always rooted in truth. - One Stop Arts

Oxbow Lakes



A boy searches for sleep.

A mother searches for her son.

A husband searches for the woman he once married.


The wood is calling – the dark space on the edge of Oxbow. 


Will it reveal what they seek?Will they find their way home? 



A body floats up from the lake...

Oxbow Lakes dramatises a child’s experience of his parents conflicted feelings towards him and themselves. It turns this emotional, psychological territory into an imaginative visual landscape inhabited by an array of characters - comic, grotesque, disturbing. Oxbow Lakes is part fairy-tale, part murder-mystery, part dark musical-comedy.

Oxbow Lakes is made in association with Camden People's Theatre.

Here's a link to Lucie Regan's Diary of Oxbow Lakes.

Cast & Crew

Performed by - Benedict Hopper, Francesca Dale, Arti Naithani, Jon Lee, Georgina Sowerby & Oscar Gibbs

Written and Devised by - Jon Lee, Georgina Sowerby, Francesca Dale, Benedict Hopper, Oscar Gibbs, Anne-Gaelle Thiriot, Arti Naithani & Lucie Regan

Songs composed by - Oscar Gibbs
Music composed by - Nick Rye
Choreography - Genevieve Giron & Lisa Lee
Dramaturgy - David lane

Set & Puppet Design - Bryan Woltjen
Scenic artwork - Susan Sowerby & Simon Weller
Puppet Builder - Holly Sonabend
Carpentry - Phil Meadhurst, Rob Truscott & Lydia

Production consultant - Sarah Sansom
Production co-ordinator- Lucie Regan
Technical co-ordinator - Ed Richards
Project Manager - Stu Crohill
Executive Producers - Justin Cavell & Tina Baker

Very special thanks to Charles Sonabend and all at Parr Street. Justin Cavell, Tina Baker and all the WeFunders

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