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Camden People's Showing of Oxbow Lakes - Audience Feedback

Something you remember: - "The lost self. The dancing shadow behind the curtain." - "Benedict in the pink wig - Twin Peaks style hilarity and genuine sinister presence in equal measure. Francesca and Georgina's dance. Repetitions of dialogue." - "This feeling of how the mythical intertwines with the everyday, the banal. A feeling, all pervading, of fear, deep fundamental darkness, and a sense of longing to be whole." Something you enjoyed / loved: - "The unsentimental fairytale reading. The extraterrestrial and domestic characters. The simple sound." - "Roz. Pink witch. Wealthy woman getting wig out of purse and transforming. Alice's meeting and telling Cody off for his coffee. The quick costume / character changes. Prince Lemonzest's silent outburst." - "The detective scenes. The music - how it underpins the scenes so well. The physicality of the piece - its physical intensity." Something you would change / develop: - "I would deepen the uncertainty and conflict between the husband and wife. Maybe use more music / song." - "I wouldn't have minded more parental angst over the lost child or more development of the absurd frustrating responses the bereft mother encounters. Maybe prince Lemonzest's song would be more powerful later." - "Develop the core relationship between the mother and father and develop her 'mother' feelings - let us know those and how they connect with her inner 'woods' landscape." Other comments: - "I love how funny it is - I think that's a really great aspect - it's a dark, DARK comedy." - "It's gloriously funny, compelling and engaging. I have no idea how you will resolve it - I wish I could be helpful but was too absorbed to feel outside the story enough to make suggestions. Congratulations, cant wait to see the finished version." - "I loved the pitch of tonight's show. Delicate, funny, mysterious. An internal logic. Enough narrative suggestion but not obvious."

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