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Link to 'DIY TOO' - Theatre book

Here's a link to the second DIY theatre book:

"...with contributions made by over 30 arts practitioners and collectives. It's a sequel of sorts - or rather; a continuation - to a recent text that platformed a growing community of voices in theatre, art, dance and performance making.Its aim is to articulate and contextualise an ethos and practice within contemporary art called "DIY" theatre and performance."


Accidental Collective: Pippa Bailey: Simon Bowes: Daniel Bye: Karen Christopher: Helen Cole: Dirty Market: Fictional Dogshelf: Emma Frankland and Keir Cooper: Gob Squad: Donald Hutera: Mamoru Iriguchi: Dan Koop: Lila Dance: Caroline Locke: LOW PROFILE: Rachel Mars: Harun Morrison: Hannah Nicklin: Joseph O'Farrell (JOF): Paper Cinema: Patternfight: Plastic Castles: Sh!t Theatre: Sleeping Trees: Sleepwalk Collective: Tassos Stevens: Shamira Turner, Little Bulb: Uninvited Guests: Hannah Jane Walker: Melanie Wilson: Greg Wohead: Caroline Wright and Helen Paris.


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